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Tampa Family Law Attorney
and Counselor of Law

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Why should divorcing couples consider mediation in Florida?

The process of Divorce Mediation is where a third party is brought in to help couples work through issues surrounding their divorce and reach a settlement mutually agreed between them.

Many of those who have successfully gone through divorce mediation note it is a much less expensive alternative to litigation. The costs of litigation are generally unknown until the case settles. At that time the spouses may be shocked at the level of fees they have incurred through attorney’s fees, expert witnesses, depositions, preparation of the case for trial, filing motions back and forth and much bother things associated with divorce litigation. Mediation, on the other hand, allows couples to have a good estimate of the number of hours it will take to resolve the issues at hand. The ultimate goal of mediation is to resolve the issues quickly, and this translates to financial savings.

Though court is not a strict requirement, if there are issues however that you and your spouse cannot agree on, a judge will have to make the decision thereby requiring you to be in court. For instance, if you and your spouse can agree on a visitation schedule with the children, you can have an attorney write up a stipulated order then both sides sign it and send it in to become a court order. But, if you or your spouse can’t agree on some issues, such as child support, spousal support, or even how much money the other party earns, you are going to have to go to court to ask a judge to make that decision.

For divorce assistance, contact the Divorce Attorney Tampa for your Free Consultation at (813) 336-3616.

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